Reconnect with your spouse and supercharge your marriage and sex life with help from our 100%-FREE 7-Day Sex Challenge!
When you take our 7-Day Sex Challenge, we’ll email you a daily sex position and a few alternatives with detailed tips and techniques to help you make the BEST love you can make.
After completing the challenge, you’ll feel more connected to your spouse and have some incredible intimate memories together. You’ll likely have a few new sex positions and sexual techniques in your marriage bed repertoire, too. You’ll also be able to say, “My spouse and I had sex SEVEN days in a row!”
Sign Up for the 7-Day Sex Challenge
What to Expect During the 7-Day Sex Challenge
When you sign up for the challenge, you’ll receive an email from [email protected] with a link to day 1’s activities within a few minutes of signing up.
Important: If you’re still waiting to receive the first email after 5-10 minutes of signing up, look in your spam folder or search for an email from [email protected]. Please mark it as not spam if you find it in your spam box.
We suggest adding [email protected] to your contact list. This reduces the chance of our emails getting marked as spam or not being delivered.
Each day you’ll receive an email with a link to that day’s sex challenge around the same time as you first signed up.
We suggest setting aside at least 1 hour each day for the sex challenge to truly get the most out of it.
Each sex challenge includes foreplay and sexual activities that bring you and your spouse closer together while learning new things each day. We detail position nuances that get overlooked and techniques that’ll rock your world. You’ll also learn about each other’s bodies, patience, giving, receiving, self-restraint, letting go, and being present and enjoying the moment together.
Every day builds on the previous days, and the sex challenge as a whole ends up being a huge relationship-strengthening adventure.
Our sex challenges won’t ask you to do anything that doesn’t align with Christian values, but they’ll likely broaden the collection of sex positions and techniques in your lovemaking repertoire. If you’re a one or two position type of couple who doesn’t do much foreplay and usually does it in the dark with your shirts on, you’re in for a treat!
All 7-day sex challenges I’ve seen cost money. What’s the catch; why is this one free? There’s no catch. We love helping couples build stronger marriages through great sex. If you find the challenge helpful, we’d appreciate it if you’d purchase our position cards or something from one of our trusted sponsors, but it’s not required.
Will you sell or share my email address with anyone or send me unsolicited emails after I’ve completed the challenge? Nope. Once you complete the challenge, we’ll delete your email address from our database. You won’t hear from us again unless you’ve signed up for our Position of the Week Newsletter, which we highly recommend. It costs us money for every email address we compile, so deleting them when you’ve completed the challenge is in our best interest.
What if I can’t perform the position of the day? We include alternative positions each day for those who choose to use them. You’re also free to make love in any sex position you like.
What do we do if that time of the month happens during the 7 days? The purpose of having sex 7 days in a row is to grow closer together while being intimate. It’s actually not easy for most people to make love 7 days in a row, and it takes work and intention to complete the challenge. We suggest waiting and timing the challenge so that it can be completed in 7 consecutive days.
You can sign up for the challenge now even though you can’t start it today. Keep the emails when you receive them, and use them to take the challenge as soon as the timing is right.
What happens if we don’t finish the challenge? Can we try again at a later time? We hope you and your spouse enjoyed the completed days and grew a little sexually and emotionally together. Keep the emails, and try the challenge again at a later date.