What is the Her High Plane sex position?
Her High Plane is a sex from behind position with great g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed using a Liberator Ramp sex pillow.
Scroll down for details about getting into this pose and tips that amplify g-spot stimulation.
How to Have Sex in the Her High Plane Position
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- The wife lies on her belly on a Liberator Ramp Sex Pillow. The tall side of the ramp is under her pelvis, and her head is resting on the lower side of the ramp.
- The husband kneels behind her.
The husband enters his wife, and they have sex from behind.
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How to Spice up the Her High Plane Sex Position
Place a firm, folded pillow under your knees to lift your pelvis a little so you can drive down into the ramp sex pillow with strong thrusts while making love to your wife. This will provide lots of g-spot stimulation as you enter her. Recommended Reading: How to Increase G-Spot Stimulation During Sex
Husband Sojourner says
One of our favorite sex positions using the pillow. It’s a perfect angle for her and the pillow allows us to have some harder and rougher than normal sex!
CFSP says
The angle of penetration combined with hard thrusting definitely creates awesome g-spot stimulation! Thanks for the tip.
Jerry says
Way easier on my hips a knees, I pull on my wife’s hips with my hands to get extra deep
CFSP says
Ooh, that’s worth a try. Thanks for the tip, Jerry!