Simultaneously orgasming with your spouse during sex is an incredible experience, but you need to know your spouse well sexually, communicate sufficiently, and know a few techniques that make reaching climax together during sex easier.
Pressure Cooker vs. Slow Cooker
When it comes to achieving orgasm, men are like pressure cookers. They’re quick and can blow at any minute. Women, on the other hand, are like slow cookers. They take a while, but the more time and effort you give them, the better the outcome.
Most husbands are ready to go at almost any time. This is also true for some wives, but most women have a responsive sexual desire. Their arousal doesn’t begin until after sensual activities start.
You’ll need to take into consideration the differences between you and your spouse’s arousal and path to orgasm. This will look different for every couple. Some will need lots of foreplay, and others can be more sporadic. Keep this in mind as you read further.
No Pressure
Many of us buckle under pressure, and if you go into lovemaking with too much focus on climaxing together instead of making love, you probably won’t come together, or at all, and lovemaking might not be as good as it could have been.
A good plan is to make love while keeping a simultaneous climax during intercourse in mind, but don’t push for it too hard. If the opportunity arises and things fall into place, great! If it doesn’t work out as planned, try it again next time. Half of the fun is trying, right?
After several hits and misses, you and your spouse will learn to read each other and get better at coming together during sex.
Foreplay Is Necessary
Remember how I said women are like slow cookers? That’s where foreplay comes into play. Foreplay can start early in the day with a look, a pat on the butt, an unexpected sensual kiss, or a long hug. Foreplay right before intercourse could be slow dancing, a sensual massage, a bath or shower together, touching or manual stimulation, and oral sex.
The trick is to bring her moderately close to orgasm during foreplay without getting overly stimulated yourself and then finish together during lovemaking. What this looks like, and the timing of things will differ for every couple. You’ll have to figure out what works for both of you.
Communication Is Important
Communication between you and your spouse must be good to orgasm at the same time. Guide each other during foreplay and sex with words, moans, and faces. Pay close attention to yourself and your spouse and get to know the signals as y’all are getting close to orgasm. Penis firmness, breathing, sounds, body postures, and motions are some signs to pay attention to.
Techniques For Success
Wife on top sex is typically the easiest sex position for most women to orgasm in because it has excellent clitoral stimulation, and she controls the pressure and movement of his body against her clitoris. An added benefit is men usually last a little longer in this position.
Cowgirl Technique: Begin intercourse in a position that the husband loves. Once he feels like he can orgasm with just a little bit more lovemaking, switch to the Cowgirl sex position and grind your clitoris against his body until you come.

Another great way to orgasm together is to add manual clitoral stimulation from a finger or sexual aid during sex. We have the perfect position and a few recommended marital aids that’ll get the job done almost every time!
Dragonfly + Button Rub Technique: Get into the Dragonfly sex position and begin with the husband pumping slowly or fully inserted and not thrusting. The wife or husband stimulates her clitoris with fingers or a vibrator until she cums. The husband will have to adjust his thrusting to match the timing of her orgasm.
If you are unfamiliar with the Dragonfly position, you’ll need to read its description because the illustration alone doesn’t give all the information required to enjoy it.

In Conclusion
Reaching orgasm together during intercourse is incredible, but it takes patience, practice, communication, and a few techniques to pull it off. Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t happen on the first, second, or third try. You’ll both learn something new with every try and eventually, you’ll both be making orgasm faces together!
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Do you have any tips and techniques for climaxing together? Share them in the comments so other couples can try them.
Scott says
My wife and I have been married 20 years and to our memory it’s only happened twice…and we make love very consistently. It’s a wonderful thing when it happens and we would love to have it happen more often but we agree, it can’t be something stressed about. Try for it! It’s great! But if it doesn’t happen, details like this don’t matter. When loving your spouse is the goal, you can’t fail.
James (Jim) says
Not really a comment per se, I am 61 and my wife is in her late 50’s. I have Parkinson’s Disease which makes getting and sustaining an erection difficult. My wife takes extra time to get ready and many times when I am ready she is only slightly aroused, we attempt to get her ready and I lose the erection. This goes back and forth until we settle for “GES” (Good Enough Sex) or she climaxes and if I am able to (sometimes with a penis ring or sometimes without) we go for intercourse. I do take medication to aid in getting an erection. Past mid to late 20’s no problem, divorced at age 35, remarried in early 40’s and that is when ED started, that caused division that ended in divorce shortly before 55. Three years later my wife and I met married three years later and we enjoy sex but only had simultaneous orgasm once using a vibrator. Suggestions?