What is the Magic Mountain sex position?
Magic Mountain is an intimate, from-behind sex position that’s enjoyed using an ottoman or pile of large pillows.
Scroll down for details about getting into this pose and tips that enhance g-spot stimulation.
How to Have Sex in the Magic Mountain Position
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- Stack 3 or 4 pillows or use a large Liberator Ramp or Flip Ramp.
- The wife kneels before the stack of pillows or ramp and then leans forward onto them.
- Her husband kneels behind her and leans forward onto her back.
- He also rests his elbows on the edge of the pillows and holds his wife tightly.
The husband enters his wife, and they have sex from behind. The wife can adjust the height of the pillows to change the angle of penetration to her liking.
There are hidden gems couples share in the comments of many positions that level up their pleasure. Check them out or share a tip so other couples can enjoy it, too!
How to Spice up the Magic Mountain Sex Position
Have your wife roll her pelvis out towards you a little and arch her back. You’ll probably need to place a folded pillow under each knee so your pelvis is a little higher than hers. Drive into the flip ramp sex pillow with strong thrusts for excellent g-spot stimulation during sex. Recommended Reading: How to Increase G-Spot Stimulation During Sex
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