Are Over 200 Positions Really Necessary?
Short answer: YES!
From time-to-time we get asked, “Why do you have so many sex positions? There are only a few central positions. All of your positions are slight variations of the main positions.” We agree that all of our positions are variations of the main sex positions (missionary, rear-entry, and seated). Anyone who has tried a variety of our positions will tell you that even small variations, such as the angle of penetration, depth of insertion, or visual stimulation can make a BIG difference in your sexual experience. Our friend J at explains this well.
The purpose of CFSPs is to give you as many ideas as possible so you can explore new sex positions in your marriage bed. Go ahead, explore. You’ll be surprised at the difference a slight angle change can make.
I’m No Gymnast!
Julie at wrote a great post titled “Sexual Positions in Your Marriage: Hey, I’m a Housewife, Not a Gymnast“. In her post, she mentioned how many sex positions she’s read about require you to position your body in very unnatural ways that are almost impossible for most people. We agree that some of our positions are not easy to enjoy for many people, but they’re there for those who can. We’re all about variety! We understand where Julie is coming from and also have several positions for “normal” people too.