This full list of sex positions includes our entire catalog of over 300 sex positions in one place! This list of sex positions is the best available because it allows you to dynamically filter positions based on stimulation type, body orientation, location, props, & much more. The filtering feature of this chart of sex positions makes finding your perfect position easy and fun! Try it for yourself.
For example, maybe you’re looking for sex positions performed on the edge of the bed with deep penetration and are ideal for hard, rough sex. See results.
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Found 300 Results
Her High Plane Sex Position
Her High Plane is a from-behind sex position with great g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed using a Liberator Ramp sex pillow.

Laid Back Sex Position
The Laid Back sex position is enjoyed on an ottoman or large chair. It enables deep penetration and has easy access to her breasts.

Squat Balance Sex Position
Squat Balance is a standing, from-behind sex position that’s enjoyed using a chair or low table.

Suplex – Her Cunnilingus Position
Suplex – Her is a cunnilingus oral sex position that’s enjoyed on a recliner or couch.

Hot Seat Cunnilingus Position
Hot Seat is a very comfortable, seated cunnilingus oral sex position that’s enjoyed on a sofa or recliner.

Night Crawler Sex Position
Night Crawler is a from-behind sex position where either partner can take control of the lovemaking.

Lube Tube Manual Stimulation Position
Lube Tube is a standing, from behind manual stimulation position and technique that stimulates his penis and her clitoris during foreplay.

Hula Bula Sex Position
Hula Bula is an easy, man-on-top sex position that has great clitoral stimulation and deep penetration.

X-Rated Sex Position
X-Rated is a head-to-toe, wife-on-top sex position with a great view of her butt and good g-spot stimulation.

Reverse Cowgirl Sex Position
Reverse Cowgirl is a woman-on-top sex position with good g-spot stimulation, great depth control, access to manual clitoral stimulation, and has a great view of her butt the man will enjoy.

Pie in the Sky Cunnilingus Position
Pie in the Sky is a cunnilingus oral sex position that gives the husband easy access to his wife’s vulva and surrounding areas.

Doggy Style Sex Position
Doggy Style, also known as “From Behind,” or “Stallion Style” is a from-behind sex position with great g-spot stimulation and deep penetration.

Jiggle & Jam Sex Position
Jiggle & Jam is a kneeling sex position that’s enjoyed on the edge of a soft chair or couch and has easy access to manual clitoral stimulation.

Standing Missionary Sex Position
Standing Missionary is a comfortable, standing, edge-of-the-bed sex position with breast access and a great view.

Take Flight Sex Position
Take Flight is a standing sex position with deep penetration that’s enjoyed on the edge of the bed with a Liberator Ramp sex pillow.

Oath Manual Stimulation Position
Oath is a kneeling, from-behind manual stimulation position where the man stimulates the woman’s breast and clitoris with his hands.

Bringing Up the Rear Sex Position
Bringing Up the Rear is a standing, from-behind sex position with strong g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed using a recliner, couch, or ottoman.

Rocket Sled Sex Position
Rocket Sled is a woman-on-top, from-behind sex position that’s performed on the edge of the bed or on a sofa or recliner. It also has access for manual clitoral stimulation and has a great view of her butt.

Edgy Sex Position
Edgy is a standing, from-behind sex position with good g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed on the edge of the bed.

Straight Back Sex Position
Straight Back is a seated, from-behind sex position with good g-spot stimulation and access for manual clitoral stimulation that’s enjoyed on the edge of the couch or recliner.

Dublin Shuffle Sex Position
Dublin Shuffle is an intimate, kneeling sex position enjoyed using the edge of a bed or couch.

Hinge Sex Position
Hinge is a from-behind sex position with deep penetration where the wife is in control of the lovemaking.

Riding the South Face Cunnilingus Position
Riding the South Face is a rear-access, seated cunnilingus oral sex position.

Ohhh! Sex Position
Ohhh! is a from-behind, standing sex position with deep penetration and g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed on a table or edge of the bed.

Bandoleer Sex Position
Bandoleer is a kneeling sex position with deep penetration and g-spot stimulation with access to manually stimulate the wife’s clitoris during sex.

Deep Victory Sex Position
Deep Victory is a standing, edge of the bed or table sex position with deep penetration.

Banana Split Sex Position
Banana Split is a deep penetration sex position that’s enjoyed using the edge of a bed or table with a little whipped cream to top things off.

Bouncing Spoon Sex Position
Bouncing Spoon is a wife-on-top, from-behind sex position with easy access for manual clitoral or breast stimulation that’s enjoyed while the husband sits with his back against the headboard.

Prime Time Sex Position
Prime Time is an edge of a low bed or ottoman sex position with deep penetration and access for manual clitoral stimulation that utilizes a Liberator Wedge and Ramp positioning aids.

Ice Sculpture Sex Position
Ice Sculpture is a kneeling, from-behind sex position that creates a tight fit during sex. It’s basically doggy style with a tight fit.

Backwards Slide Sex Position
Backwards Slide is a seated sex position that’s enjoyed in a soft chair with g-spot stimulation and access to the wife’s clitoris during sex.

Under the Hood Cunnilingus Position
Under the Hood is a cunnilingus oral sex position with access to the wife’s entire pelvic area.

Hold Me Manual Stimulation Position
Hold Me is a kneeling, edge-of-the bed manual sex position where the man rubs the woman’s clitoris with one hand and her breast with his other hand.

Spread Eagle Cunnilingus Position
Spread Eagle is the most practical and comfortable oral sex position for giving and receiving cunnilingus.

Couch Potato Cunnilingus Position
Couch Potato is an edge of the sofa cunnilingus position with a great view for the husband to enjoy.

Clasp Sex Position
Clasp is a standing sex position where the wife rides her husband while having sex.

Standing Ovation Sex Position
Standing Ovation is an edge-of-the-bed sex position with great g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed using a Liberator Wedge sex pillow.

Grinder Sex Position
Grinder is a husband-on-top sex position that allows him to grind on his wife’s clitoris with lots of pressure.

Down Low Sex Position
Down Low is a from-behind sex position with strong g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed using a Liberator Wedge sex pillow.

Shoulder Holder Sex Position
Shoulder Holder is a kneeling sex position with deep penetration and good g-spot stimulation.

Spider Sex Position
Spider is a rear-entry, wife-on-top sex position with a great view of the action for the husband to enjoy.

Eagle Sex Position
Eagle is a kneeling sex position with deep penetration and great g-spot stimulation and has easy access for manual clitoral stimulation during sex.

Suplex – His Blowjob Position
Suplex – His is a seated, fellatio oral sex position that’s enjoyed in a recliner or couch.

Take Me Now Sex Position
Take Me Now is a standing, from-behind sex position with g-spot stimulation and is great for vacation sex.

Plow 2 Sex Position
Plow 2 is a kneeling sex position with amazing g-spot stimulation and easy access to the wife’s clitoris that’s enjoyed using a Liberator Wedge/Ramp sex pillow.

Meet Nโ Greet Sex Position
Meet Nโ Greet is a husband-on-top sex position with deep penetration and good g-spot stimulation.

Mastery Sex Position
Mastery is a wife-on-top, seated sex position that’s enjoyed on a couch and gives her control of the grinding or bouncing motion while the husband enjoys a great view of her breasts.

Slide Sex Position
Slide is a wife-on-top sex position with great clitoral stimulation for her and a tight fit both of you will enjoy.

Leap Frog Sex Position
Leap Frog is a from-behind, squatting sex position with g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed on the floor.

Game’s On Blowjob Position
Game’s On is a kneeling fellatio oral sex position that’s enjoyed on the couch or recliner.

Edge of His Seat Sex Position
Edge of His Seat is a crouching, from-behind sex position where the wife is in control of the lovemaking.

Stand and Deliver Sex Position
Stand and Deliver is a standing, from-behind sex position with very deep, powerful penetration.

Butterfly Sex Position
Butterfly is a standing sex position with great g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed using a table.

Scarf Cunnilingus Position
Scarf is a cunnilingus oral sex position that makes the wife’s vulva and surrounding area more available for stimulation.

When In Doubt Sex Position
When In Doubt is a from-behind, shallow penetration sex position that creates a tight fit during sex and has excellent g-spot stimulation.

Froggy Style Sex Position
Froggy Style is an intimate, from-behind, husband-on-top sex position with excellent g-spot stimulation that’s best enjoyed using a wedge sex pillow.

Waterfall Sex Position
Waterfall is an intimate, seated sex position with g-spot stimulation and easy access to the wife’s breasts or clitoris while having sex.

Betty Rocker Sex Position
Betty Rocker is a wife-on-top, from-behind sex position where she’s in full control of the lovemaking and the husband has a great view of her butt.

Layover Sex Position
Layover is a standing, sex-from-behind position with good g-spot stimulation and enables powerful thrusts that utilize a sofa’s armrest.

Corner Cowgirl Sex Position
Corner Cowgirl is a woman-on-top sex position with great depth control and clitoral stimulation that’s enjoyed on the corner of the bed.

Grip Sex Position
Grip is a husband-on-top sex position where the wife is in control of the lovemaking.

Crouching Tiger Sex Position
Crouching Tiger is a from-behind, wife-on-top sex position that’s enjoyed on the edge of the bed.

Doggy on the Couch Sex Position
Doggy on the Couch is a kneeling, from-behind sex position that’s enjoyed using the edge of a sofa or recliner and has great g-spot stimulation.

Pink Flamingo Sex Position
Pink Flamingo is an intimate, standing sex position that’s enjoyed using a step stool.

Hobbyhorse Sex Position
Hobbyhorse is a wife-on-top sex position with deep penetration and great clitoral stimulation that’s enjoyed in a rocking chair.

From Behind Sex Position
From Behind is a standing, from-behind sex position that’s best enjoyed with the wife against a wall.

Rowing Boat Sex Position
Rowing Boat is an intimate, seated sex position with easy access to the wife’s breasts while having sex.

Cinema Stroke Blowjob Position
Cinema Stroke is a seated fellatio oral sex position that’s enjoyed on the couch during a hot movie night alone.

Drive-thru Cunnilingus Position
Drive-thru is a standing cunnilingus oral sex position where the husband sits between his wife’s legs to stimulate her.

Inverted Spoon Sex Position
Inverted Spoon is a from-behind, spooning sex position with good g-spot stimulation.

69 Inverted Oral Sex Position
69 Inverted is a husband-on-top, head-to-toe oral sex position where both spouses stimulate each other.

Jack Hammer Blowjob Position
Jack Hammer is a standing fellatio oral sex position where the husband is in control of the stimulation.

Prone Tiger Sex Position
Prone Tiger is a seated, wife-on-top sex position with good g-spot and clitoral stimulation.

Gettin’ Jiggy With It Sex Position
Gettin’ Jiggy With It is a woman-on-top sex position with deep penetration and clitoral stimulation. It also allows the man to hold her butt during sex and enjoy her breasts in his face.

All Yours Cunnilingus Position
All Yours is a comfortable, kneeling, cunnilingus position with good access for breast play that’s enjoyed at the edge of the bed.

Glowing Triangle Sex Position
Glowing Triangle is a husband-on-top sex position where the wife is in control of the lovemaking.

Plow Sex Position
Plow is a standing, from-behind sex position with g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed on the edge of the bed.

Rock’n Roller Sex Position
Rock’n Roller is a kneeling sex position with deep penetration and good g-spot stimulation.

Licking the Flag Pole Cunnilingus Position
Licking the Flag Pole is a comfortable cunnilingus oral sex position that’s enjoyed while lying on your side.

Fullback Sex Position
Fullback is a wife-on-top, from-behind, seated sex position that’s enjoyed in an armless chair.

Hand Jive Sex Position
Hand Jive is a wife-on-top sex position where the husband manually stimulates her clitoris while they have sex.

Curled Angel Sex Position
Curled Angel is a spooning, from-behind sex position that’s ideal during late-term pregnancy.

Divine Lift Sex Position
Divine Lift is a wife-on-top sex position that uses a Liberator Wedge to allow deep penetration and clitoral stimulation.

Twisted Mrs. Sex Position
Twisted Mrs. is a kneeling sex position with a tight fit that’s enjoyed while the woman lies on her side.

Sledge Sex Position
Sledge is a from-behind, woman-on-top sex position that’s enjoyed while the man is sitting on the floor or in bed.

Slide On Down Blowjob Position
Slide On Down is a comfortable fellatio position that’s easy on the wife’s neck while both spouses are lying on their sides.

Couchtastic Sex Position
Couchtastic is a from-behind, kneeling sex position with great g-spot stimulation and deep penetration that’s enjoyed on the sofa.

Dessert Sex Position
Dessert is a seated, from-behind sex position with easy access to manual clitoral stimulation that’s enjoyed on a chair at the dinner table.

Fire Hydrant Fellatio Position
Fire Hydrant is a standing fellatio position where the woman sits between the man’s legs while he holds her head and gently thrusts.

Feast Cunnilingus Position
Feast is a cunnilingus position that’s enjoyed with the wife laying on a table while her husband sits in its chair. This position is very comfortable for the husband and doesn’t strain his neck.

Harp Sex Position
Harp is a deeply penetrating sex position that’s enjoyed while the woman is on her side and the man is straddling her.

69 Edge of the Bed Oral Sex Position
69 Edge of the Bed is an oral sex position where each partner stimulates each other with their mouths.

Perpen-Dic-Ular Sex Position
Perpen-Dic-Ular is a deep penetration sex position that women find especially comfortable because of its lack of stomach pressure.

Shoulder Stand Sex Position
Shoulder Stand is a kneeling sex position with lots of g-spot stimulation.

Whisper Sex Position
Whisper is an intimate sex position with deep penetration that’s enjoyed while both spouses are on their sides in a reverse spooning position.

Right Angle Sex Position
Right Angle is a standing sex position with deep penetration and easy access to the wife’s breasts and clitoris that’s enjoyed on the edge of the bed or table.

Ascent to Desire Sex Position
Ascent to Desire is a standing sex position where the wife rides her husband during sex.

Bridge Sex Position
Bridge is a wife-on-top sex position with deep penetration and great depth control.

Lazy Cowgirl Sex Position
Lazy Cowgirl is a wife-on-top sex position with deep penetration, access for manual clitoral stimulation, and has a great view for the husband to enjoy during sex.

69 Oral Sex Position
69 is a wife-on-top, head-to-toe oral sex position where both spouses stimulate each other simultaneously.

Under the Sink Cunnilingus Position
Under the Sink is a standing, cunnilingus oral sex position that’s enjoyed using a chair or stool.

M and M Manual Stimulation Position
M and M (mammary and manual) is a man-on-top manual stimulation position where the man thrusts his penis between the woman’s breasts while giving her cunnilingus or manual clitoral stimulation.

Reclining Lotus Sex Position
Reclining Lotus is an intimate, husband-on-top sex position with very deep penetration and good g-spot stimulation.

Cowboy Sex Position
Cowboy is a husband-on-top sex position that creates a tight fit and has easy access for manual clitoral stimulation.

Camel Style 1 Sex Position
Camel Style 1 is a kneeling, from-behind sex position with great g-spot stimulation and the wife does all of the thrusting.

Reach for the Stars Sex Position
Reach for the Stars is a man-on-top, kneeling sex position with very deep penetration that uses a Liberator Wedge and Ramp sex positioning aid.

Circle Driver Sex Position
Circle Driver is a husband-on-top sex position with deep penetration and great g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed using a Liberator Whirl sex pillow.

Crossed Keys Sex Position
Crossed Keys is a standing, edge of the bed or table sex position that creates a tight fit during sex.

Snail Sex Position
Snail is a husband-on-top sex position with very deep penetration and has great g-spot stimulation.

Cowgirl Squeeze Sex Position
Cowgirl Squeeze is a from-behind, woman-on-top sex position that allows the woman’s breasts to be caressed and stimulated during intercourse.

Best View Sex Position
Best View is a sex position with wonderful g-spot stimulation, deep penetration, and a great view both spouses can enjoy.

Right Angle 2 Sex Position
Right Angle 2 is a standing sex position with deep penetration and access for manual clitoral stimulation that’s enjoyed at the edge of the bed.

Proposal Sex Position
Proposal is an intimate, kneeling sex position where both spouses caress each other while having sex.

Candle Sex Position
Candle is a kneeling sex position with deep penetration and easy access to the wife’s clitoris for manual stimulation while having sex.

Smooth Operator Sex Position
Smooth Operator is a comfortable, sex-from-behind position with good g-spot stimulation, a tight fit, and leverage for powerful, deep thrusting.

Spoon Sex Position
Spoon is a very comfortable, rear-entry sex position with good g-spot stimulation and access for manual clitoral stimulation.

Eve’s Ecstasy Cunnilingus Position
Eve’s Ecstasy is a wife-on-top, rear-access cunnilingus oral sex position that’s enjoyed on the edge of the bed.

Padlock Sex Position
Padlock is a standing sex position that’s enjoyed using the edge of a table or bed.

April Fool’s Paradise Sex Position
April Fool’s Paradise is an intimate, comfortable, from-behind sex position where the husband has easy access to your breasts.

Rodeo Sex Position
Rodeo is a wife-on-top sex position with deep penetration and good clitoral stimulation that’s enjoyed using a Liberator Wedge sex pillow.

Comfy Sex Position
Comfy is a comfortable, standing sex position that creates a tight fit and is enjoyed on the edge of the bed.

Mutual Manual Stimulation Position
Mutual is a comfortable, seated sex position that allows each partner to manually stimulate each other.

Grinding the Corn Sex Position
Grinding the Corn (coital alignment technique) is a husband-on-top sex position with great clitoral stimulation.

Bent Spoon Sex Position
Bent Spoon is a wife-on-top, from-behind sex position with access for manual clitoral stimulation and has good g-spot stimulation.

CAT Sex Position & Technique
CAT (Coital Alignment Technique) is a husband-on-top sex position combined with a thrusting technique that produces great clitoral stimulation and helps him last longer during sex.

Locked Cowgirl Sex Position
Locked Cowgirl is a wife-on-top sex position with deep penetration and clitoral stimulation.

Laid-Back Reverse Cowgirl Sex Position
Laid-Back Reverse Cowgirl is a wife-on-top sex position with easy access to manual clitoral stimulation from the husband while having sex.

Riding the North Face Cunnilingus Position
Riding the North Face is a wife-on-top cunnilingus oral sex position where she can easily control the pressure during stimulation.

Perch Sex Position
Perch is a seated, from-behind position that’s enjoyed on the couch and allows the husband to manually stimulate his wife’s clitoris while having sex.

Reverse Grinding the Corn Sex Position
Reverse Grinding the Corn (reverse coital alignment technique) is a wife-on-top sex position with deep penetration and excellent clitoral stimulation.

Edward Scissorlegs Sex Position
Edward Scissorlegs is a wife-on-top, from-behind sex position that’s enjoyed on the edge of the bed.

Sandwich Sex Position
Sandwich is a husband-on-top sex position with very deep penetration, good g-spot stimulation, and access for manual clitoral stimulation.

Divine Incline Cunnilingus Position
Divine Incline is a cunnilingus oral sex position that’s very comfortable for the husband and enjoyed using a Liberator Wedge/Ramp combo sex pillow.

Ear Muffs Cunnilingus Position
Ear Muffs is a rear-access cunnilingus oral sex position where the wife gently squeezes her husband’s head during stimulation.

Exposed Eagle Sex Position
Exposed Eagle is a seated sex position with deep penetration and great access for manual clitoral and breast stimulation.

Happy Valley Breast Sex Position
Happy Valley is a seated breast sex position where the husband straddles his wife and thrusts his penis between her breasts while she squeezes them together.

Lustful Cobra Sex Position
Lustful Cobra is a comfortable, woman-on-top sex position with deep penetration that uses a Liberator Wedge and Ramp sex positioning aids.

Stargazer Sex Position
Stargazer is a from-behind, wife-on-top sex position with great g-spot stimulation.

Lap Top Sex Position
Lap Top is a seated, wife-on-top sex position with deep penetration that’s enjoyed in a recliner or sofa.

Seated Ball Sex Position
Seated Ball is a seated, from-behind sex position with good g-spot stimulation.

Ben Dover Sex Position
Ben Dover is an easy, standing, from-behind sex position with great g-spot stimulation.

Lovely Sex Position
Lovely is a comfortable, seated sex position with shallow penetration and a tight fit both of you will appreciate.

Lap Dance Sex Position
Lap Dance is a from-behind, woman-on-top, seated sex position that allows manual clitoral stimulation and breast stimulation during sex.

Frame Job Sex Position
Frame Job is a standing, from-behind sex position with great g-spot stimulation and easy access for the husband to manually stimulate his wife’s clitoris while having sex.

Fulcrum Lift Sex Position
Fulcrum Lift is a wife-on-top sex position with a great view for the husband that’s enjoyed using a Liberator Wedge sex pillow.

Lotus Blossom Sex Position
Lotus Blossom is an intimate, seated sex position where the wife is in control.

Lamaze Coach Sex Position
The Lamaze Coach sex position is a husband-on-top position with deep penetration and excellent g-spot stimulation.

Splitting Bamboo Sex Position
Splitting Bamboo is a husband-on-top sex position with deep penetration and easy access for manual clitoral stimulation during sex.

Pedal Sex Position
Pedal is a kneeling, from-behind sex position where the wife is in full control of the lovemaking.

Chimney Sweep Sex Position
Chimney Sweep is a standing, from-behind sex position that’s enjoyed while straddling a chair or sofa’s armrest.

Rabbit Manual Stimulation Position
Rabbit is a kneeling, seated manual stimulation position where the woman or man manually stimulates her clitoris while holding each other.

Duet Manual Stimulation Position
Duet is a woman-on-top, seated manual stimulation position where the man or woman stimulates her clitoris with their fingers while holding each other.

Column Sex Position
Column is a standing, from-behind sex position where the husband manually stimulates his wife’s clitoris while having sex.

Flatiron Sex Position
Flatiron is a from-behind sex position with outstanding g-spot stimulation and deep penetration enjoyed using a Liberator Wedge.

Banana Pancakes Sex Position
Banana Pancakes is a comfortable, take-it-easy type of sex position for slow, sensual lovemaking.

Easy Rider Sex Position
Easy Rider is a wife-on-top sex position with deep penetration that’s enjoyed on a narrow bench.

Eleven O’Clock Cunnilingus Position
Eleven O’Clock is a comfortable, head-to-toe cunnilingus position where the man stimulates his wife’s vulva from the side or while facing her feet.

Indrani Sex Position
Indrani is an intimate, husband-on-top sex position with deep penetration and g-spot stimulation.

Beep Beep Sex Position
Beep Beep is a from-behind, standing sex position with great g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed at the edge of the bed.

Ta-Tas Breast Sex Position
Ta-Tas is a husband-on-top breast sex position where he thrusts his penis between his wife’s breasts while she squeezes them together during foreplay.

Twin Hugs Breast Sex Position
Twin Hugs is a seated breast sex position where the husband sits on the edge of a chair while his wife stimulates his penis with her breasts.

Ace Sex Position
Ace is a seated, wife-on-top, from-behind sex position that’s performed on a chaise lounger or long deck chair in a secluded spot by the pool or back patio.

Doggy on the Bench Sex Position
Doggy on the Bench is a seated, from-behind sex position with shallow penetration and g-spot stimulation that’s performed while straddling a footrest or long bench.

Standing Froggy Sex Position
Standing Froggy is a squatting, from-behind sex position that allows powerful thrusts and great g-spot stimulation.

See-Saw Sex Position
See-Saw is a wife-on-top sex position with good g-spot stimulation, easy access for manual clitoral stimulation, and a great view of the action.

I’ll Be Back Sex Position
I’ll Be Back is a from-behind sex position with good g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed using a table and stool.

Double Decker Sex Position
Double Decker is a wife-on-top, from-behind sex position where the husband is in control of the lovemaking.

Glowing Juniper Sex Position
Glowing Juniper is a very romantic seated sex position with deep penetration and g-spot stimulation.

Squashing the Deckchair Sex Position
Squashing the Deckchair is a husband-on-top sex position with very deep penetration.

Reverse Grinding the Corn 2 Sex Position
The Reverse Grinding the Corn 2 wife-on-top sex position generates excellent clitoral stimulation and a tight fit.

Let’s Dance Sex Position
Let’s Dance is a kneeling sex position with easy access for manual clitoral stimulation and a great view.

Basket Sex Position
Basket is an intimate, seated sex position with deep penetration and a great, up-close view of the wife’s breasts while having sex.

Nirvana Sex Position
Nirvana is a husband-on-top sex position with great clitoral stimulation, deep penetration, and has a tight fit.

Lazy Love Seat Sex Position
Lazy Love Seat is a comfortable, intimate seated sex position with deep penetration and clitoral stimulation.

Super Missionary Sex Position
Super Missionary is a husband-on-top sex position with great clitoral stimulation and deep penetration.

Clip Sex Position
Clip is a wife-on-top sex position with easy access for manual clitoral stimulation while having sex.

Gallery Sex Position
Gallery is a seated, from-behind sex position with g-spot and clitoral stimulation.

Thrustastic Blowjob Position
Thrustastic is a comfortable blowjob position where the husband controls the stimulation while his wife lies on him.

Southern Exposure Blowjob Position
Southern Exposure is a fellatio oral sex position that makes the husband’s pelvis more accessible for the wife.

Crisscross Sex Position
Crisscross is a from-behind sex position that resembles an X while being enjoyed.

Missionary Sex Position
Missionary is an intimate, husband-on-top sex position with deep penetration.

Very Happy Valentine’s Day Sex Position
Very Happy Valentine’s Day is a wife-on-top, seated sex position that’s enjoyed in a soft, armless chair.

Dr. Scholl’s Day Off Sex Position
Dr. Scholl’s Day Off is a from-behind, wife-on-top sex position where the husband has a great view of her butt.

Assist Sex Position
Assist is a standing, from-behind sex position where the husband manually stimulates his wife’s clitoris while having sex.

Ice Cream Sex Position
Ice Cream is a woman-on-top, seated, from-behind sex position with access to breast or clitoral stimulation.

Adapted Missionary Sex Position
Adapted Missionary is a husband-on-top sex position with deep penetration that’s ideal for plus-size couples.

Jockey Sex Position
Jockey is sex from behind, husband on top position with tight penetration and good g-spot stimulation.

Ship Sex Position
Ship is a wife-on-top sex position where the husband or wife has easy access to manually stimulate her clitoris during sex.

Throat Swab Blowjob Position
Throat Swab is a standing, edge of the bed fellatio oral sex position where the husband controls the stimulation.

In Her Face Blowjob Position
In Her Face is a husband-on-top fellatio oral sex position where he’s in full control of the stimulation.

Ape Sex Position
Ape is a from-behind, wife-on-top sex position with deep penetration and g-spot stimulation.

Oral Therapy Blowjob Position
Oral Therapy is a comfortable fellatio oral sex position that’s enjoyed in bed or on the couch.

Swing Fling Sex Position
Swing Fling is a sex position enjoyed using a swing and has great g-spot stimulation.

Breakfast At Tiffany’s Cunnilingus Position
Breakfast At Tiffanyโs is a cunnilingus oral sex position with a really good view of the task at hand for the wife to enjoy.

Dart Sex Position
Dart is a comfortable, from-behind sex position that creates a tight fit and is enjoyed while both partners are on their sides.

Plinth Sex Position
Plinth is a from-behind, standing sex position with deep penetration and good g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed with the wife on an ottoman, leg rest, couch, or recliner.

Peg Sex Position
Peg is a head-to-toe sex position with deep penetration, good g-spot stimulation, and a great view of the wife’s butt.

Lunge Sex Position
Lunge is a wife-on-top sex position with a tight fit and has a great view of her breasts for the husband to enjoy.

X Sex Position
X is a comfortable kneeling sex position that produces a tight fit, limits penetration depth, and has access for the man to caress his wife’s breasts.

Clapper Sex Position
Clapper is a from-behind, kneeling sex position where the husband has a great view of his wife’s butt during sex.

Splitting Queen Sex Position
Splitting Queen is a comfortable kneeling sex position with access for manual clitoral stimulation and works well for overweight couples.

Super 8 Sex Position
Super 8 is a husband-on-top sex position with deep penetration and great for plus-sized or pregnant spouses.

Delight Sex Position
Delight is a romantic, kneeling sex position that’s enjoyed using a chair or sofa.

Tight Missionary Sex Position
Tight Missionary is a husband-on-top sex position that creates a tight fit and enables deep penetration.

Reverse Missionary Sex Position
Reverse Missionary is an intimate woman-on-top sex position with deep penetration and great clitoral stimulation.

Stair Master Sex Position
Stair Master is a from-behind sex position with good g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed on a staircase.

Backseat Driver Sex Position
Backseat Driver is a seated, wife-on-top, from-behind sex position with good g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed in the backseat of a car or minivan.

Thigh Master Sex Position
Thigh Master is a rear-entry, wife-on-top sex position with deep penetration and great clitoral stimulation.

Open Sesame Sex Position
Open Sesame is a comfortable, from-behind, spooning sex position that enables powerful thrusts with great g-spot stimulation.

Are Those Colored Contacts? Sex Position
Are Those Colored Contacts is an intimate, edge of the bed sex position with deep penetration and g-spot stimulation.

Foot In Mouth Sex Position
Foot In Mouth is a husband-on-top sex position with deep penetration and great g-spot stimulation.

Hound Sex Position
Hound is an intimate, from-behind sex position that gives the husband great access to his wife’s breasts during sex.

Otto-Man Sex Position
Otto-Man is an intimate, deeply penetrating sex position with great g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed on an ottoman, recliner, or couch.

Evolved Oral Cunnilingus Position
Evolved Oral is a cunnilingus oral sex position that’s easy on the husband’s neck and is enjoyed using a Liberator Wedge sex pillow.

Armrest Yes! Sex Position
Armrest Yes! is a sex position that’s enjoyed in a recliner and has excellent g-spot stimulation, deep penetration, and access for manual clitoral stimulation.

Sideways Champion Sex Position
Sideways Champion is a comfortable sex position with a tight fit that’s enjoyed on the couch or edge of the bed.

Bounce Sex Position
Bounce is a deep penetration, wife-on-top sex position with great depth control for her.

Cowgirl Sex Position
Cowgirl is a wife-on-top sex position with great depth control, deep penetration, and clitoral stimulation.

Star Sex Position
Star is a husband-on-top sex position with easy access for manual clitoral stimulation while having sex.

Can You Feel Me Now? Sex Position
Can You Feel Me Now is a from-behind, wife-on-top sex position with great depth control.

Triumph Arch Sex Position
Triumph Arch is an intimate, seated sex position where the husband has great access to his wife’s breasts while having sex.

Packing the Suitcase Sex Position
Packing the Suitcase is an intimate sex position with very deep penetration that’s enjoyed using the edge of the bed, couch, or recliner.

Pilates Class Sex Position
Pilates Class is a kneeling, from-behind sex position that’s enjoyed using the edge of a recliner or couch.

Magic Mountain Sex Position
Magic Mountain is an intimate, from-behind sex position that’s enjoyed using an ottoman or pile of large pillows.

Funky Monkey Sex Position
Funky Monkey is a standing sex position where the wife rides her husband while having sex.

Pleasure Garden 69 Oral Sex Position
Pleasure Garden is an edge-of-the-bed 69 oral sex position using a ramp sex pillow.

Jugghead Sex Position
Jugghead is a wife-on-top sex position that’s enjoyed on the edge of a bed and allows her to be in control of its deep penetration and clitoral stimulation.

Feedbag Cunnilingus Position
Feedbag is a kneeling cunnilingus oral sex position that’s enjoyed on the couch and allows the wife to stimulate her husband.

69 Yin-Yang Oral Sex Position
69 Yin-Yang is a man-on-top oral sex position where he gives her cunnilingus and the woman gives him a blowjob simultaneously.

Bridge 2 Oral Sex Position
Bridge is a simultaneous fellatio and cunnilingus oral sex position that’s enjoyed using a Liberator Wedge/Ramp combo.

Man On Fire Sex Position
Man On Fire is a standing, from-behind sex position with good g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed using the edge of the bed.

Mating Press Sex Position
Mating Press is a husband-on-top, deeply penetrating sex position that’s excellent for slow and sensual or hard and fast intercourse.

Fire Starter Manual Stimulation Position
Fire Starter is a spooning manual stimulation position that’s great for stimulating her clitoris and g-spot with your hand while grinding on her butt.

Big L Sex Position
Big L is a sex position with deep penetration that’s performed while the wife lies on her side.

Reverse Cowgirl Rocker Sex Position
Reverse Cowgirl Rocker is a from-behind, wife-on-top sex position.

Fast Romp Sex Position
Fast Romp is a vigorous, wife-on-top sex position with deep penetration that’s great for a quickie.

Pedestal Sex Position
Pedestal is a from-behind sex position with very nice g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed using a Liberator Ramp sex pillow.

Hind-quarterly Review Sex Position
Hind-quarterly Review is a seated, from-behind sex position enjoyed using your home office’s chair and desk.

Rear-Ender Sex Position
Rear-Ender is a from-behind sex position with good g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed using a chair.

Leg Slider Sex Position
Leg Slider is a kneeling, deep penetration sex position that’s enjoyed while the wife lies on her side.

Camel Style Sex Position
Camel Style is a kneeling, from-behind sex position that has great g-spot stimulation.

Blazing Saddles Cunnilingus Position
Blazing Saddles is a kinky, wife-on-top, rear-access cunnilingus oral sex position.

Top Chick Manual Stimulation Position
Top Chick is a wife-on-top manual stimulation position where she stimulates her husband with her hand and her clitoris with his penis.

Sliding Twin Fawns Breast Sex Position
Sliding Twin Fawns is a wife-on-top breast sex foreplay position where the wife controls the stroke speed and pressure of her breasts against her husband’s penis.

Trampoline Sex Position
Trampoline is a squatting, woman-on-top sex position with great g-spot stimulation and deep penetration.

Sitin’ On the Edge Blowjob Position
Sitin’ On the Edge is a comfortable, seated on the edge of the bed while he’s standing blowjob position.

G-Force Sex Position
G-Force is a kneeling, sex position with deep penetration and VERY strong g-spot stimulation.

Bicycle Sex Position
Bicycle is a standing, from-behind sex position that creates a tight fit with lots of friction during lovemaking.

No Elbows On the Table Sex Position
No Elbows On the Table is a from-behind, kneeling sex position with good g-spot stimulation and easy access for manual clitoral stimulation.

Deckchair Sex Position
Deckchair is a head-to-toe sex position with deep penetration and easy access to manually stimulate the wife’s clitoris during sex.

San Francisco Treat Cunnilingus Position
San Francisco Treat is a cunnilingus oral sex position that lifts the wife’s vulva to make it more accessible.

Under the Cuckoo’s Nest Cunnilingus Position
Under the Cuckoo’s Nest is a standing, edge of the bed cunnilingus oral sex position.

Heart to Heart Sex Position
Heart to Heart is a wife-on-top sex position with deep penetration that’s enjoyed using a Liberator Ramp sex pillow.

Amazon 2 Sex Position
Amazon 2 is a wife-on-top, kneeling sex position with shallow penetration and g-spot stimulation.

Sofa Surprise Sex Position
Sofa Surprise is a seated, wife-on-top sex position with good depth control that’s enjoyed while the husband sits on the couch.

Challenge Sex Position
Challenge is a standing, from-behind sex position with deep penetration and strong g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed using a chair.

Sofa Press Sex Position
Sofa Press is a deeply penetrating sex position performed on the edge of a couch and enables leverage for powerful thrusts and great g-spot stimulation.

Hooked On You Sex Position
Hooked On Your is a romantic, kneeling sex position with shallow penetration and is terrific for beginning intercourse or a cooling-off period.

Barcalounger Sex Position
Barcalounger is a from-behind, wife-on-top sex position with great g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed on a chair or couch.

Bad Santa Sex Position
Bad Santa is an intimate, seated sex position with wonderful access to her breasts that’s enjoyed on a chair.

Headrest Blowjob Position
Headrest is a comfortable fellatio oral sex position that’s enjoyed in bed while on your sides.

Extension Cord Sex Position
Extension Cord is an intimate, standing sex position that’s enjoyed with the wife’s back against the wall.

Fast and Furious Sex Position
Fast and Furious is a standing, from-behind sex position with good g-spot stimulation and great for powerful thrusting.

High Rise Sex Position
High Rise is a standing, from-behind sex position with g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed on the edge of the bed on a Liberator Ramp sex pillow.

Prone Bone Sex Position
Prone Bone is a from-behind, kneeling sex position with fantastic g-spot stimulation and access for breast play.

69 Sideways Oral Sex Position
69 Sideways is an oral sex position where both spouses stimulate each other while lying head-to-toe on their sides.

High-Ridin’ Cowboy Sex Position
High-Ridin’ Cowboy is a husband-on-top sex position that uses a wedge sex pillow and creates a tight fit with deep penetration.

Erotic V Sex Position
Erotic V is a standing sex position with deep penetration that’s enjoyed on the edge of a table.

Fantastic Rocking Horse Sex Position
The Fantastic Rocking Horse Sex Position is a great wife in control deep penetration sex position with a great view of her breasts for the husband.

Usual Blowjob Position
Usual is a wife-on-top fellatio oral sex position that’s enjoyed in bed or on the couch.

Fan Sex Position
Fan is an incredible, from-behind sex position with deep penetration and excellent g-spot stimulation that’s enjoyed using a coffee table or a couch or chair’s armrest for support.

Mermaid Sex Position
Mermaid is a standing sex position with deep penetration that’s enjoyed on the edge of a bed or table.

Lazy Wheelbarrow Sex Position
Lazy Wheelbarrow is a seated, from-behind sex position with deep penetration that’s enjoyed on a couch or recliner.

Indian Headstand Sex Position
Indian Headstand is a difficult, standing sex position with deep penetration and great g-spot stimulation.

Over Easy Sex Position
Over Easy is a man-on-top, deeply penetrating sex position performed using a wedge sex pillow.

Dragonfly Sex Position
Dragonfly is a must-try, comfortable, kneeling sex position that provides superb access for manual clitoral stimulation.